ADDRESS Longton VM Victory Lane (Off School Lane) Longton Lancashire PR4 5DL
CONTACT e: t: 01772 616974
Membership Whether you're a member of the Longton VM or simply live within reach of the place then Longton VM is the ideal venue for a night out or to host your function, occasion, business meeting, funeral or any other event. Longton VM is open 7 nights a week from 7:30pm onwards and you are always welcome. Longton VM has extensive parking and is very close to local amenities. The Club is fully licensed and meets with all H&S requirements all on one level and fully accessible with suitable toilet facilities for the less able. This Club was built as a Living Memorial for all the people from Longton and surrounding areas who who fought or died in the first and second world wars and was given to the people of Longton and surrounding Parishes…. Isn’t it time you started using it?
MEMBERSHIP The Benefits Of Membership
The Benefits Of Membership
Discounted Events Price Reductions On Event TicketsMembers receive discounts on all ticketed events organized by the club. The average discount is £4.00 per ticket and there are at least 12 events per year.
Discounted Drinks Members save approx 50p per pint on Pub Prices in the local area We sell only the most popular brands but at prices you will like
25% Discount on Function Room Hire Any member who hires the function room for an event will get a 25% reduction on the room hire and free use of the kitchen facilities (Normally £25.00 extra)
Room Hire Discount
Relax, Unlike a pub where anyone can enter, a club is a more controlled environment. Enabling you to relax and have a great time with like minded friends without having to keep looking over your shoulder.
Safe Environment
Less Hassle there is a recently refurbished Members Only Lounge So if there is a private function in the main room the members lounge is always free and kept for members exclusive use only
Members Only Lounge
Membership Renewal This option is for membership renewal only.
Victory Lane(Off School Lane) Longton, Lancashire PR4 5DL +44 1772 616974
Membership Whether you're a member of the Longton VM or simply live within reach of the place then Longton VM is the ideal venue for a night out or to host your function, occasion, business meeting, funeral or any other event. Longton VM is open 7 nights a week from 7:30pm onwards and you are always welcome. Longton VM has extensive parking and is very close to local amenities. The Club is fully licensed and meets with all H&S requirements all on one level and fully accessible with suitable toilet facilities for the less able. This Club was built as a Living Memorial for all the people from Longton and surrounding areas who who fought or died in the first and second world wars and was given to the people of Longton and surrounding Parishes…. Isn’t it time you started using it?
The Benefits Of Membership
Discounted Events Price Reductions On Event Tickets Members receive discounts on all ticketed events organized by the club. The average discount is £4.00 per ticket and there are at least 12 events per year.
Discounted Drinks Members save approx 50p per pint on Pub Prices in the local area We sell only the most popular brands put at prices you will like
Relax, Unlike a pub where anyone can enter, a club is a more controlled environment. Enabling you to relax and have a great time with like minded friends without having to keep looking over your shoulder.
Safe Environment
Less Hassle there is a recently refurbished Members Only Lounge So if there is a private function in the main room the members lounge is always free and kept for members exclusive use only
Members Only Lounge
CONTACT t: 01772 616974
ADDRESS Longton VM Victory Lane Longton Preston PR4 5DL Lancashire
MEMBERSHIP The Benefits Of Membership
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